I was already intrigued by Disney's Tron: Legacy after seeing an image of Michael Sheen (fabulous) looking like a demented - but wonderful - David Bowie replicant (with phallic power! yeh! all men need to carry around sticks to assert their masculinity!)

Though as if SpaceSheen wasn't enough, Tron went and collaborated with Opening Ceremony. Laser-cut and neoprene space wonder-wear ensued. The limited palette of black, blue, orange and yellow is oh-so futuristic and looks like slipping into a shiny neon hard drive (which may in fact be the premise of the film, judging by the trailer).
I love the space-disk (Tron 'Identity disk' possibly - thank you Google) inspired bags that look incredibly impractical with their stiff and thin shape, but also incredibly desirable.
I imagine space surfin' babes wear these neoprene sock-booties to the beach before running off to kick bad-guy butt following a groove at the disco. They look so Comfortable (though I wonder if they get Hot - maybe not so perfect for beach babes) (sisters of summer, girls4eva)
Intricate laser-cut details.
How enticing I find the Phat-Fat collars on the woolon jackets
Thank you Opening Ceremony for your continued collaborations with odd groups for surprisingly awesome results.
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