Thursday, December 30, 2010

Kitty Litter

I Bloody Love this Barney's 2010 Fall catalogue. Shot by Walter Pfeiffer and starring Lindsey Wixson.
I very much like how engaging it is, how turning the (figurative) page is fun.
I'm sorry I have nothing more interesting to show, but today was long and hard, and it seemed like a good idea to make myself feel warm and fuzzy with cats and Lindsey Wixson

Sunday, December 26, 2010


a little yule time sharing

Tribute to Alexander McQueen by Nick Knight, music specially composed by Bjork
I adored it, though the comments imply that not everyone feels the same

Friday, December 24, 2010

Liberty Leading The People (that is the best title I will ever come up with)

I am using Kurt because (like every other human) when I was 14 I went through a huge grunge phase and really desired those cat eye glasses - so how exciting is this!

more eXcitment!
I was surprised when I realised that I really desire a pair of phat Nike dunks.
Which turned to sadness when I realised the only ones that would fill the void were the Liberty of London Nike collaboration. Duh-Jazz-You-Missed-The-Stampede-Of-2008.
Set your alarms kids
Dear Nike, Dear Liberty of London
Thank You for filling the void of sugary-sweet streetwear in my life
Love Jazz


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ocean Grrrl

Gemma Ward - Pirates of the Caribbean
I don't really give a damn that there is a new Pirates of the Caribbean film. 
It annoys me somewhat that the once fabulous Johnny Depp seems to be compromising himself more and more, and that the man was paid an absurd figure (US$77 million) to reprise his role, but whatevrr.
What does interest me however is that my favourite Australian model-cum-actress is playing a very aggressive looking mermaid in the film!

Oh Gemma! I never believed the rumours that you had gotten fat and lost your spark!
Oh Gemma! You were so Spectacular in The Black Balloon, I hope you continue acting for a long time. 
(I had forgotten how Damn Sexy her accent is. She is my favourite kind of Australian.)
More Ocean Grrrl

 Comme Des Garçons s/s10 
Sofia Coppola - Somewhere //
Devon Aoki by David Lachapelle // more Prada
The Girl From Atlantis - Vogue Nippon May 2010 from here

Bjork //

Monday, December 20, 2010

and it shall come to those who wait

I was looking at these cute pictures from the middle of winter and thinking about how lame this SUMMER weather is (some rain and sunburn?)
This is me sitting inside a perfect world (with old long hair).
 This Victorian ladies shirt has The Most Gorgeous Collar
 Oh Sun, where are you now?

Also, I have taken to wearing rings for the first time in my life. Finger candy as I am now calling it. I have these Adorable little fawn rings on everyday now. The sharp ears make them remarkably dangerous, but it is worth it. They were made by Justin Boehme, whose own blog started today.
 I say they're fawns, but this has been in dispute, some claiming calf, or even kangaroo (absurd).
love Jazz

Friday, December 17, 2010

Stack Your Desires

There's some funky down town guy in New York who puts platforms on shoes. He did these shoes for Party Monster (but this is just Macaulay rockin). I wish I could construct platforms. Life would be easier. I'm sure it could be learnt, but there are many things that can be learnt, where I would much rather possess the skill fully formed.
Macaulay Culkin
It is these Prada s/s11 that make me desire platform skills especially at the moment. Crafty desires.
These plimsoles that Susie snapped also are making my fingers tingle with the knowledge that I could attempt and fail at making something so cute.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Riots Not Diets

Bianca Jagger

There's a line in '10 Things I Hate About You' where Bianca tells Cameron that a girl only buys black underwear if she wants someone to see them.
Fuck That.
Fuck dressing, doing, being or anything else for anyone else.
Fuck fake tan.
I know third wave feminism says I can shave my legs if I want to, as long as it's for me, but I hate the expectation.
My dear friend/prodigy/wunderkind (and all round nice guy) Tessa was telling me recently that she became increasingly jealous of the blokes during Movember and wants to start something girl oriented.
The first idear was Febru-Hairy. To promote self esteem. Fuck shaving your legs, and personally, I think the armpits should be freed. (Though the protests are that February is the Australian summer and hence the whole thing is annoying.)
Secondly was Va-June-a - all the sisters are free to talk about their lady bits, and everyone is encouraged to have a pap smear, or something equally lady.
This girl's onto something.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

what he's got you ain't had time to learn

Judy Geeson and Sidney Poitier understood it
(When I youtub-ed this clip I discovered glee did 'to sir with love'. All wrong)

I used to bloody love facehunter, I was hysterical when he responded to my myspace message (yes, myspace guyzz), but then he took a picture of two girls kissing at a party, and as one thing leads to another I just got over street style blogs.
Though recently I have been checking in because I heard Yvan was in Melbourne, and I was interested as to how home comes across.
Bloody Terrible!
I like to think of Melbourne as a stylish city, the photos however make us seem so banal, so Sydney (lol jks luv u bebes)

People don't understand sex appeal these days, if you ask me.
Nancy Sinatra had sex appeal.
The Lisbon girls are more desirable due to their ill fitting clothes leaving so much to be imagined, they are nymphets, they cast a spell, unlike the Kim Kardashian's of today. (Why Oh Why Is She Famous? Celebrity Is Dead)

Less is More

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Rosary and a Laminate

The old case of - Missing In Wardrobe,
today I found this old-and-way-too-big-but-'hey could come in handy' tuxedo shirt in my wardrobe while looking for a raincoat (A raincoat in December you cry? "I thought this was meant to the Bloody Australian Summer!")
I threw it over what I was wearing (cleaning room clothes), which worked surprisingly well - looking like some sort of crazy conductor/priest. Set it off with some rosary and the Del Kathryn Barton for Romance Was Born eye.
(I should have cropped this, but the room looks wiXXed)
Oh, behold my sad ol' cotton galaxy leggings with their flaking white paint. Wouldn't it be The Best Thing Evarrr to wake up and they had transformed into Black Milk's far superior galaxies?!
With a bathing suit like that I would force myself to spend all summer on the beach, being a beach babe.
I'm pretty sure Black Milk started earlier this year (in Melbourne? Well, Australia somewhere) and they're such a fab example of small business blossoming in a time where such things are supposedly "impossible".
Must buy Christmas-time excuse presents

I cut my hair Even Shorter! Again! Looking more and more like my year 1 photo (one on the right if you couldn't tell)
Oh Bill! I can never watch this clip from Freaks&Geeks without tearing up.

Friday, December 10, 2010

her majesty's a pretty nice girl, someday I'm gonna make her mine

Did you love Sarah Burton's first collection for Alexander McQueen?
(Well, first if you disregard her position as right-hand man for the past 15 years and putting out Resort just after McQueen's untimely passing.)
I know I loved it, true to McQueen's extravagance, but slightly more diminutive (which wasn't a hard task), the show was less outrageous and the shapes were more toned down, but it was right
Watch it Here, I haven't bothered to include many pictures
I imagine Shi Xianggu would have dressed like this, or at least, I would have worn this if I had been the greatest female pirate of all time.
 This butterfly collar was the show stopper in my eyes. AND THE SHOES!
What do you think they're made of? I said 'duh metal' until a jeweller pointed out the ridiculousness of that and insisted that the leaves are stiffened gold leather around a heel.

And now for a ridiculous segway, McQueen to Lace to Lace Coat to I Bought A New Lace Coat
I also have a pretty headband
-Ohh edgy-

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Magpie Season

Twist It Yourself
Did you like this necklace? Thank you!
I received this mermaid-y necklace as a gift, but it is simple to twist yourself.
Twist wire, pearly bits, trinkets and ribbon together - attach to some chain (to protect your neck)
The chunk is glass with tin stretched around it
This is the mask I used as a belt in the earlier photos. Another easy thing to-do: pop over to Venice (or do as I did and have another human traffic your goods) and buy a paint-it-yourself mask. The next part is harder - be very lazy and never paint it. Attach ribbon and you're done.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

... sylvia plath and so on and so forth

Recently I decided I was a Teen Witch. Who isn't these days?

I made myself a t-shirt and went off to a party. 
It was nice to have a little teasing.
I miss the strange insults once common at high school.

marios schwab SS/11
Warning: paragraph of reminiscing. 
('Why not delete the boring paragraph Jazz?' 'Because it's my blog farkers')

To reminisce - On one free dress day a teacher said with her standard nasty drawl "You look Weird Jazz", while another person told me I looked like the "before shot from 'What Not To Wear'". Which was Awesome (No sarcasm, it made my day)
- There were also incidents the day I came as Pippy LongStockings to book week
- Though, on a different occasion a girl approached (yes, I did go to a posh all-girl school, and yes, it was weird) and said "Wow Jazz, I would actually, like, consider wearing what you're wearing! You got it right for once" - to which I was particularly insulted - that this human thought my fabulous clothes could potentially grace her body was a horrid thought.
- I shall stop there before a stupor overcomes us

Sadly the best I tend to get these days are mild-mannered insults from my 13-15 year old sister and step-sisters
Anyway, ranty ranty
here is my teen-witch t-shirt
you may think 'oh you lame posing poser', but note the helmet on the bike - this girl means business
Spooky Witch No Face!

(If I'm going to keep up being this consistently vain and lame - Vaime? No. Let us not mention 'vaime' again. Anyway, I need a tripod. Walking around the garden looking for appropriate tree stumps is becoming tedious.)