'It will cost $66 to QUOTE the damage you have done to the camera'
My camera is in a bad way, camera is kaput for the time being - which is my way of justifying really shit and dark photos of what is a truly spectacular top.
These photos do such a disservice to the garment that I am forced to show this old photo of Ruby wearing it just so you can get a glimmer (lol geddit) of how grand the top truly is.
- Glitter Ambassadors - doing what we can for sequins everywhere
worn with the best coat (that's right, cashmere and velvet And I've had it since the age of five)
Geisha pout not included
Photo included because 1) Sequins are as close as any item of clothing has of embodying the Aurora Borealis and 2) it was taken in ICELAND BABY where I will 3) be oh so fricken soon
Ol' Slavey Tarnish Fingers-
A lifetime of silver to polish
Okay that top is awesome. Even with bad photos. Awesome.