Saturday, June 4, 2011

thinking of it sooner (rumble in the jungle, thrilla in manilla, fight of the century)

When You See Things On The Internet And You Think
Damn I Wish I'd Come Up With That
and no, to you nay sayers. I'm not confusing real life and the internet, because obviously I think 'Damn I wish I'd come up with that' about lots of things that aren't on the world wide web But I aint talkin' bout SolarPanels, I'm talking trivial shit, like or the term 'man repeller' - shit that isn't changing lives but seems so simple to think up that I Shoulda Gone Done It First
Stephen Fry and Lady Gaga
(submitted by priz)
Stephen and Gaga
Eartha Kitt and James Dean taking Katherine Dunham’s dance class
(submitted by joeacollege)
Eartha and James
Muhammad Ali and Martin Luther King Jr.
Ali and MLK jr
Jay-Z and Kofi Annan
Jay-z and Kofi
Salvador Dali and Coco Chanel
(submitted by littlesuburbman)
Dali & Chanel
Hunter S. Thompson, John Cusack and Johnny Depp riding around with a blow-up doll.
Thompson, Cusack, Depp, doll - name unknown

I'll write something interesting of my own one day my lil hunnybunnies

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