When You See Things On The Internet And You Think
Damn I Wish I'd Come Up With That
and no, to you nay sayers. I'm not confusing real life and the internet, because obviously I think 'Damn I wish I'd come up with that' about lots of things that aren't on the world wide web But I aint talkin' bout SolarPanels, I'm talking trivial shit, like textsfromlastnight.com or the term 'man repeller' - shit that isn't changing lives but seems so simple to think up that I Shoulda Gone Done It First
Stephen and Gaga
Eartha and James
Ali and MLK jr
Jay-z and Kofi
Dali & Chanel

Thompson, Cusack, Depp, doll - name unknown
I'll write something interesting of my own one day my lil hunnybunnies
Thompson, Cusack, Depp, doll - name unknown
I'll write something interesting of my own one day my lil hunnybunnies
Ummmm I'm afraid I'm going to live on that site now.