Thursday, December 29, 2011

Yayoi Kusama Nails It

And if I open a nail salon what will I call it? ***Nailed It*** duh.
Festive Spotted Nails!
I already know what you're thinking
'For the love of Cheeses the world Needs your nail salon!'
But the sad thing is, I am just not as benevolent as I appear, and will continue to keep my talents to myself
The lucky thing is that Yayoi Kusama hasn't been keeping it to herself for years near innumerable
spotted dick.
and I'm not even being rude.

PS I know that the nails are chipped. But they're probably older than you.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Yule Time Productivity

Did you know that the capital of Greenland is called Nuuk?
Maybe I was channeling some of my new found interest in Greenland this week when I did some Christmas crafting and made these very-reminiscent-of-landscapes pendants
(there were more but some have already been gifted)
 The ridges and contours are formed by the medium of the mould. Which of all the bloody things, is cuttlefish. Though no marine life was injured in the making of this jewellery.
I'm considering selling some of these funny little trinkets for pocket money, so I will keep you posted my fine young honeybees on the future crafting endeavours.
Until next time, Yule time spirit abounds.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Yohji Yamamoto : on a man in black

A few months ago I was lucky enough to wander into London's Victoria and Albert museum on what happened to be the last day of the 
Yohji Yamamoto retrospective.
“With my eyes turned to the past, I walk backwards into the future” 
It was a gorgeous array, with Yamamoto's designes scattered around the museum in unsuspecting corners, culminating in a vast white gallery chamber. 
The garments ranged from over the 30 years of his career - 
from his debut Paris collection in 1981, and included video installations, beautiful books (including My Dear Bomb) and catalogues to be pawed over. In the central gallery alone over 60 of Yamamoto's greatest designs could be viewed, not behind glass, but with intimacy, the way it was intended.
With the many seasons of fashion that Yamamoto has weathered, in the collection there were punk stylings, elegant gowns, maritime, renaissance, clergy and amish influences, men, women, androgyny, bursts of colour, waves of black...
but all with the overarching focus on Textiles
"Fabric is everything" says the Japanese icon, and there's no doubt that he has truly exploited his medium over the past three decades.

"I'm searching for a new proportion. What interests me is the 'space' between the person wearing the clothes and the clothes themselves - the airiness, the movement, the silhouette"

Born: Tokyo, 1943
Studied at:   Tokyo's Keio University (law degree)
                      Bunkafukuso Gakuin School of Fahion (1966-1969)
First label: Y's (1972)
First collection: Presented in Tokyo (1977)
Launched the Yohji Yamamoto label (1981) in Paris (In 1981 With Rei Kawabuko debuting Comme des Garçons the two were met with general disgust in Paris)
Yohji Yamamoto pour homme (1984)
Photography: Paolo Roversi, Max Vadukul, Nick Knight, Inez Van Lamsweerde, Vinoodh Matadin 
Film: Takeshi Kitano, Wim Wenders, Heiner Müller
Choreography: Pina Bausch
and more, that list doesn't even include adidas or his music

There's just one last thing
the short film This Is My Dream is just lovely


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"start blogging again already you little bitch"

Honeys I'm Home!

My lovely tulips 
I have returned home after months of voyaging.
I am reunited with my laptop and although I had mostly decided to let this blog die a natural death I have decided upon the urgings of a few sweet humans to give it another run.

It will take a while to ease back into this, for one thing I haven't paid attention to anything 'fashion' for six months, and for another - all my clothes currently smell of mothballs which reduces my urges to wear anything other than the bare minimum.
Which leads me to say that this little brain dribble may not be all that 'fashion' for all that much longer. But who knows... I most certainly don't
And so, I will leave you with the background of my computer, which is mostly a marker of how totz behind the timez I am- 
Gaultier Couture s/s 2011

until we exchange html coding again... Love Love

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bitches ain't shit

Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks

Lick on these nuts and suck the dick
Get the fuck out after you're done
And I hops in my ride to make a quick run...

Remember the season finale of ANTM recently where the girls got to show the Vivienne Westwood Anglomania collection?
of course you do
Well, when I was kicking about London a month back I was lucky enough to try on this Amazing renaissance dress from the collection which fit like a loved thing and looked even better. 
One day I will have enough pennies but for now I can only dream.

I'm sorry I've been so shit at blogging the last few months,
For four nights last week I slept homeless in the south of France being a general vagabond and just last night in sunny Barcelona stumbled into a street festival where my honeys and I joined a band parade through the streets, dancing with cute Spanish drummer boys while eying off tapas

Life is very sweet little chickpeas, so forgive me and I will love you again when I can


Monday, July 25, 2011

Busy Timez

Babes! I know I've been terribly remiss, but I've been bloody busy being bloody fabulous since we last spoke. I spent three amazing weeks in Vietnam with two of the most divine gals sent to earth where we traveled from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi up the coast seeing Nha Trang, Hoi An and Halong Bay along the way. I won't bore you with the details of paradise for a few reasons, mostly because I am terrible at typing on these French keyboards.
this is how one shops for underwear in Vietnam
these are the shoes I had made
and one of many dresses also made in Hoi An. Now let me tell y'all something - if you ever happen to be in the sweet town of Hoi An on the coast of Vietnam follow the example of my companions and I and go bloody nuts at one of the hundreds of tailors and shoemakers in the town. Two pairs of shoes (above) (plus a pair of uber lush denim platform studded sneakers - not custom made but amazing), two silk dresses (not shown but maybe I'll remember to show you one day), that floral shift dress (above), and a wool and ski lined duffle coat - all made to measure and desire little sweet peas.
I'll get around to telling you of my tales in London and Paris soon
mwah mwah on both your cheeks xx

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Dying For It

Good day lovelies, 
I'm going to talk picture-journal you through an afternoon I had recently:

Start this tale by imagining the sort of girls who would hang out with young Drew
 eat treats and talk about boys
while the peroxide destroys our brain cells in the most non-zombie fab way...

Yes that's right babes! This is a tale about NewHairColour. 

 Initially I was looking for an aqua-green but ended up going for Crazy Colour lavender

Channeling babe vibes while the dye sets in: 

And then!
 PurplePinkBlonde frivolity! 

One must finish any afternoon such as this by being Antisocial at a party - 
and here we have it babes! 
New Hair for New Times 

What do you think little SeaShells? 
I love it, but in a strange way I can't wait for it to wash out so I can pick a new colour to be. (And by that time I will be indulging in London city with oh so many more choices than dear ol' Melbourne, Australia)

Side note - I'm pleased to inform you that my lastest purchase (from Urban Outfitters) is all that Jackie-O fabulousness and tortoise-shell more that matches the hair Perrr-Fect-Ly

Eat Well And Stay Safe Cherubs

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Stopping by Dinner in a Snowy Climate

It is freezing. It is weather like this that makes you think Hell can't be all that bad, at least it's warm. It is weather like this that makes you consider trading in your sister for an electric-snuggie. It is weather like this that makes me regret living in a shed.

My little horse must think it queer, 
To stop without a farmhouse near. 
Between the woods and frozen lake, 
The darkest evening of the year.**

but instead of 'little horse' let's say 'dinner friends', and replace 'to stop without a farmhouse near' with 'to wear bright summer clothes'. And there we have it - bright clothing on 'the darkest (and coldest) evening of the year.' 

HoneyBunnies do you see those lacey puff cuff sleeves? You're feelin it aint you?
 Dora exploring her way around delicious tapas and fine cocktails.
My recently finished passport case//closeup of lovely layered tights.

Stay safe young ones. Those in Melbourne - avoid frostbite! 
O' Vietnam in 11 days how sweet it will be!

**I know that poem's a metaphor for depression. No - I'm not depressed, just partial to some Bobby.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

thinking of it sooner (rumble in the jungle, thrilla in manilla, fight of the century)

When You See Things On The Internet And You Think
Damn I Wish I'd Come Up With That
and no, to you nay sayers. I'm not confusing real life and the internet, because obviously I think 'Damn I wish I'd come up with that' about lots of things that aren't on the world wide web But I aint talkin' bout SolarPanels, I'm talking trivial shit, like or the term 'man repeller' - shit that isn't changing lives but seems so simple to think up that I Shoulda Gone Done It First
Stephen Fry and Lady Gaga
(submitted by priz)
Stephen and Gaga
Eartha Kitt and James Dean taking Katherine Dunham’s dance class
(submitted by joeacollege)
Eartha and James
Muhammad Ali and Martin Luther King Jr.
Ali and MLK jr
Jay-Z and Kofi Annan
Jay-z and Kofi
Salvador Dali and Coco Chanel
(submitted by littlesuburbman)
Dali & Chanel
Hunter S. Thompson, John Cusack and Johnny Depp riding around with a blow-up doll.
Thompson, Cusack, Depp, doll - name unknown

I'll write something interesting of my own one day my lil hunnybunnies

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Things that make me want to be violently ill

case in point - this bullshit 'fashion label' recently making stomachs turn nation wide - WildMai (if that Is your Real name)
This 'new and exciting label established in Melbourne' seems to have confused fashion with Trailer Park Bondage and I for one Am Not Amused (well, you know, Technically I'm amused, but in the direction of disgust, not in the Stephen Fry quips and witticism way)

However, I digress from what triggered this rant (because if I was mentally fatigued by every bit of clothing I didn't find aesthetically pleasing I wouldn't have time to let my blue cheese reach room temperature before I eat it, let alone blog).
The real reason I wanted to do this post was after seeing a comment on ol WildMai's facebook:
'oh yes all our hideous $300 fur vest are real fur'. Uh, pardon, did you say REAL? 
Are You for Fucking Real? Real fur. 

Oh yes, I love the smell of carcass-on-the-side-of-the-road-in-soviet-russia-paid-for-this-heinous-piece-of-clothing Real.
I take back all the self-justification bullshit I spouted on fur, because hell, I thought I was defending wearing my vintage finds, I didn't think assholes were still making this shit. I guess I figured that after Chanel did faux fur - that if heart-of-flint Karl was ready to recognise the end of fur - everyone would follow. But trust these fuckers over at Wildmai to bring reality crashing back.
So, now I don't know what to think anymore. Maybe they are pest animal furs, and maybe this shit is all humane and above board, 
but no matter what, they can't justify what is an undeniably inhumane truth:
My Eyes Are Permanently Seared By How Fucking Ugly These Clothes Are
like, this shit's for real

Post Script - I trawled back so far though the Nigel No Trends archives looking for some gif that would convey my disgust. I didn't find one. But I did find this: