Sunday, May 8, 2011

Not Entirely Quaint. 'instead of carpet I'll have money wall to wall'

Flower wreath construction
A friend reluctantly gave me all the flowers from his childhood toy chest the other day - it is hard to convince hoarders to part ways with their goods but I could hardly let such gems continue to lay dormant in a stinky box.
Another hair trinket; another day. 
-my imaginary ebay listing chic
why go to ebay? All you need is malleable wire (double the width of your noggin), an assortment of flowers, some ribbon (to cover the sparse look of wire) and some pliers to manipulate the whole situation - But what am I saying? you babes are clever, I don't need to explain common sense to y'all

Aren't my flowers pretty? "so pretty!" I hear you exclaim "all faded and pastel, what more could a girl want?" 
"I want an old fashioned house, with an old fashioned fence 
And an old fashioned millionaire."
- ah Eartha Kitt, you understand me so and she does the Best crazy eyes

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